Terms of service.
Kutovakika Knits Oy // 00170 Helsinki, Finland
Business ID: 3442443-4
Patterns will be sent as PDF-files to your e-mail. Please always make sure that you give the correct email address in your order.
You’ll receive an order confirmation to the email address given and a second email with links to download your patterns.
If you have any trouble with your order, please contact us at support@kutovakika.com.
Kutovakika accepts payments will all major credit cards, Apple Pay and PayPal.
All given prices on the website are incl. VAT.
Prices on the website are shown in: EUR.
Payments are processed with Stripe through a secure payment server that encrypts all information using an SSL protocol, which means that your data is safe and secure and cannot be read or accessed by third parties.